Meet my mate, Meditation.
We met a good while ago. Can’t say we’re the best of friends just yet, but we try to get together whenever we can. I hold my hand up and say I’m always the one to bow out first. Too tired…alarm didn’t go off…washing my hair… any old excuse.
I’m about to embark on a 5 week trip to Bali to do my 300 hours yoga teacher training. It will be an intensive time, with meditation featuring heavily on the schedule. I remember my level one training well…rolling out my mat at 6am for 1.5 hours of pranayama (breath work) and meditation. I always seemed to suffer from the ‘nodding head’ syndrome…minutes into the practice, I would discover with disgust that my head had almost dropped into my lap, and I was unable to account for my mental whereabouts over the last few minutes!