All Posts By

Lisa Murphy


Learning to let go

Lisa tells how meditation can help us accept loss…from the inevitable end of a bountiful garden to the unexpected end of a marriage.

Fall is a double-edged sword. Here in the middle of the US we are blessed with crisp days, crystal blue skies and glorious fall leaves. But hand-in-hand with the beauty inevitably comes cold weather, shorter, darker days, and ultimately what always takes me by surprise, the first frost. Continue Reading


Balancing Act

Springtime in Middle America, where Lisa lives, would lead you to believe Mother Nature is a bit off-kilter. One day it’s cold and rainy, the next day it’s hot and humid. And lately, this imbalance has even caused tornadic activity. At least that’s what they’re calling it in the news. Amidst all of this stormy weather, Lisa shares her thoughts on balance…

Even if you live in predictably sunny Dubai, perhaps you can relate to Mother Nature. I know I can. Sometimes the balancing act that is my life looks and feels more like severe weather…electric outbursts and pouring tears, interspersed with moments of quiet and calm, reminiscent of the lull after a Midwestern thunderstorm. Continue Reading


Spring Cleanse

With the onset of spring comes warmer weather, sunnier skies and a yearning to bring that open airy feeling inside. Not just inside our homes but in our bodies as well. We spring clean our homes, so why not spring clean our bodies? Lisa offers an easy plan…

Detoxing is so trendy right now. It seems that everyone’s doing some type of “detox” or fad diet. Yet, if we simply move our bodies and eat healthily and moderately, the rest will take care of itself. Easier said than done; I know. So sometimes a little jump-start in the form of a short cleanse can be very helpful to tune up your engine. Let go of the heaviness of winter and get your body and your mind feeling like spring, light and energetic! Continue Reading



As spring finally blooms in the American Mid-West, Lisa explores how trusting and believing in the present moment can help us find contentment on and off the mat.

Lately, I’m feeling a bit anxious about the future, and this anxiety is interfering with my ability to find balance between contentment and my feelings of indolence. Continue Reading


Sunshiny East Meets Snowy West

As Dubai’s temperatures continue to rise, along with the notion of cranking up the AC again, the thought of freezing climates probably seem far off the radar. For Lisa, however, that’s the reality she’s been dealing with for the past few months. While in the Middle East, Dubai yogis roll out their mats on the beach or in the park, Lisa shares her insight into what winter across in the snowy Midwest has taught her about her practice… 

Spring is just around the corner. I’m sure of it. I saw a robin yesterday, and she told me so. But here in Kansas City, where I’m currently living, we’ve had a tough go of winter with big snows and near-Arctic temperatures; it snowed again just yesterday! Continue Reading